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Wednesday, November 25, 2009'

Going Malaysia from 29Nov ro 7Dec. dun contact me.
Beatrice or Biology team members pls feed the turtles cabbage every time you go sch for CCA.(remember to wash it too)

posted by dracofalco at 10:08 PM


Thursday, November 12, 2009'

Lets make our home the most beautiful home chords

Here are the chords for this song:

C --------------------Am

It only takes one heart

----Dm/F -G -C

To make a start

C --------------------------Am

The dream to just go green


To keep it clean



Side by side,we'll make it happen so that


We can live like,we're in heaven



Lets make our world the most beautiful home


Where everyone can live and breathe, and they can


easily roam


We just have to make it ours


To make it last by giving our all and doing our best


Let's keep our world the most


Lets keep our world the most,beautiful home


oh yeah...


*Up a tone


Lets make our world the most, beautiful home


Where everyone can live and breathe and they can


Easily roam


We just have to make it ours,


To make it last by,giving our all and doing our best


Lets keep our world the most beautiful home


Oh yeah....

ps. please tell me if there are any wrong chords(suggestions).Use the tagbox.

posted by dracofalco at 10:50 AM


Wednesday, October 28, 2009'

Today was a preety fruitful day but also a tiring day.(though Beatrice doesnt agree with it...LOL)The floorball competition went rather well...Cause at least 1e4 won the 1N1,drawed in the 1E3 match and lost in the 1N2 match.Dunno whether we will enter the finals.Even IF we entered the finals,we dont have time to play already.(hello!Only two days left!)
btw...i was too busy with facebook to bother to post.(Pet society,Country Story,Happy Farm,Happy Aquarium)

Okay!lets contunue the story...After floorball...went to maggie mian... Ohyes!At last Jia Ying to make 1e4 learn the class cheer,although they not so cooperative,but at least got something so that our class wont fail tommorow.(Hope everyone memerise today!)

Then go up class(so tired liao)........Then come down AGAIN(tired...).....stupid IT talk(as if everyone will listen,so tired liao,evryone sleeping)......GO UP AGAIN(wa lao)....sign dunno what paper...THEN GO DANCE STUDIO(damm tired liao still walk)......nice air-con survey(sigh~) some learning cheerleading AGAIN...DANCE TO PERHAPS PERHAPS PERHAPS(NOT with Ming Jun)....AT LAST.....freeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!!!!

BUT... the fruitful day not over yet.

Then,with Xin Mei,Beatrice,Jia Ying,Jiayi,Ming Jun(lol i put ming jun's name last!hee hee...)Then we go KFC eat lunch.(i eat gio gio)Jia Ying eat super slow...After like more than half-an-hour then we started our journey towards Bah Soon Pah road.For your infomation,we go there to check put some plants that can be put outside the Fern Lounge.

We took bus 969 to bottle tree comes the bad part.We walk walkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalkwalk
a long way,going the wrong way,(so tired)but nevertheless continued on with our sweaty bodies,big bags and smelly clothes.

At last after a VERY VERY VERY LONG LONG LONG walk,we reach world plants.yes,world plants is the shops name.i mean nursery.A VERY BIG NURSERY.Those who love nature need to see this.The whole kilometer is full of plants.MANY plants.small,big,tall,colours and size everything also have.I should have took my camera.sniff~

Yay!After a long trek and talking to the salesman,we finnally walked out of the nursery(both a pity and a good thing)Then we crossed the road and found a bus stop.We managed to find out which bus would go to northpoint,to take us home,as well as,to go there next time.Then Xin Mei and Jia Yi took a bus and the others and me took 171 to Northpoint.Then Ming Jun go home but Beatrice and me stayed back with Jia Ying to search for files that biology group can use,which i am biology leader.We found some good files but Beatrice seems to think that the file is too big.she argued with me and Jia Ying why get so big.......And you know that a small file is $3.30 but the very huge file is only $ a 75cent over 75 cent...haha)

At last,Beatrice managed to say good bye and go home.But then Jia Ying treat me to an Ice-cream(yay!).yum.Then go home.ZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZ

The day was fruitful because:
1.Got a goal in floorball competition
2.1e4 finnally learnt the cheer
3.Ate Gio Gio again
4.Walked around Bottle Tree Park(unconstructively)
5.Experieced nature
6.Found a place to buy plants
7.Found a way how to get there and back
8.Ate ice-cream.

The day was tiring because:
1.Played floorball
2.High spirits
3.Cheered in cheerleading
5.Walk around for miles in bottle tree park.
6.Travelled back to home.

So was it a fruitful day?

posted by dracofalco at 6:52 PM


Tuesday, October 20, 2009'

Now is 20th October 11pm.I am gonna be older a year in the next one hour.I think i am gonna stay awake tonight until tmr(12AM.)

yeah im gonna be like that.


posted by dracofalco at 11:05 PM



EOY finally over...But whats after EOY...GIVING OF EXAM PAPERS.Lucky today only give back science,if give maths and mother tongue i will sure die today.Science was rather okay got A2,74.44444444444444.....Dammit all ki..kisama0.1 mark more get A1 liao. Its like so diaoz lor.By the way here's inuyasha:the final act episode 3.

Veuillez installer Flash Player pour lire la vidéo

posted by dracofalco at 5:38 PM


Monday, October 19, 2009'

Anyone knows how to download youtube videos!(i know they are illegal)but its my mum who wants them.

posted by dracofalco at 6:41 PM


Friday, October 16, 2009'

Yay!EOY finally over,but why is school still a big boring place?

posted by dracofalco at 9:53 PM


Thursday, October 15, 2009'

Which subject do you think is the hardest?

View Results
Create a Blog Poll

posted by dracofalco at 11:05 AM



LOL so didnt post EOY finish then got xin qing post.Now inuyasha:the final act already episode two's the two videos for fans of inuyasha:

next episode shows at aniplex on saturday.

posted by dracofalco at 10:25 AM


Saturday, October 3, 2009'

Two days cannot online,so sianx.(T(00)T).yesterday my old man forced me to play lantern. WHICH was super LAME. Anyways,the lanterns were really beautiful.

posted by dracofalco at 8:23 AM


Wednesday, September 30, 2009'

aiya my hair grow too long liao.I just realised it when i do exam and all the hair fall in front and irritate me.Now i really look like:


Dunno who but really ugly

3) Guys with long hair

Really must cut liao.

posted by dracofalco at 4:22 PM


Tuesday, September 29, 2009'

One day never post liao.Suppose it doesnt matter anyway.Today's topic is about,music for studying.Yup,music for studying.

Normally,report says, music with vocals are really bad,that takes away your concentration on the things that you are studying. This was what one researcher/person said:

I noticed a while back that the instruments are not what makes music so distracting; it’s the vocals. One day I compared studying to music without lyrics to studying to music with lyrics. It was infinitely easier for me to focus when listening to music without lyrics. Clearly my brain was interpreting the singer’s words, and these words were distracting me.

Ahh...So what if you can't understand what the singer is saying? The singing would just come up as a meaningless tune to you.(see the last sentence),then you wouldnt get distracted even by a bit.

So, whenever your parents say:'Dont listen to vocal music while studying!!!'
You can just shout back 'Dont worry,I am listening to Japanese(or whatever languge) music!!

If your parents still argues,then:

Does this make sense?

posted by dracofalco at 4:05 PM


Sunday, September 27, 2009'

testing.I am creating this post for my mom to know how to blog.She want(maybe) to create a blog like mine.So...This post is dedicated to her.


posted by dracofalco at 3:34 PM



Whoa.THANKS for the overwhelming response.Here are my views

I got not much time to do,so I am not gonna do all today.


Omg.I just squashed an ant.I actually dont mind IF i squashed an ant.So this is what happened.I was typing the above message,watching Winter Sonata meanwhile.

I was really typing reaaaall fast,like one second per word(with occassional pauses).What happens when you type real fast is that(it happens to me),I usually press the keys really hard.

My old man had a habit of eating on the computer table,scattering crumbs and who-knows-what on the keyboard.

And it so-happens that an ant was being attracted(should have been many more).

"Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click,Click...(as in typing)

"Click" oops.

RIP:mr.ant was squashed at my father's keyboard,on the letter "R".

posted by dracofalco at 9:35 AM


Saturday, September 26, 2009'

Yay!I changed picture!Still,I'm still not satisfied with the coffee picture at the front as the coffe background don't really match my blog's background.Gotta find a new one soon.I was thinking of maybe this one:

But i decided that the white background at the back does'nt fit so I edited and painted it brown.So now it looks like this:

It looks pretty unnatural though...

P.S.Joon-sang just car-crashed in episode 2

posted by dracofalco at 10:32 AM


Friday, September 25, 2009'

Winter Sonata
I have just watched the first episode of winter sonata(korean version).The story begins when Joon-sang, who is the son of an eminent musician, moves to Chuncheon, a rural city in South Korea. As an extraordinarily talented student, Joon-sang is welcomed by his fellow students as well as teachers, but remains a quiet, introverted young man. As a result of his belief that his father is dead and serious conflicts with his mother, Joon-sang believes that no one truly loves him.

On one fortuitous day on the ride to school, Joon-sang's classmate Yu-jin interrupts him on the bus. Joon-sang soon falls in love with Yu-jin, who opens herself to him with an innocent heart.

There actually wasnt much of piano-playing T T *sobs*.Given the title and the summary of the drama, i would expect like maybe 30%piano-playing and 70%love. But as i watched on, i was disappointed as the storyline was like 95% of love and only 5% of piano playing.

Another thing that i would like to say is that the actors are obvoiusly too old to the characters.The main characters Joon-sang and Yu-jin was supposed to be like(if i in high schoo (16 to 18 years old)

here's a picture of them

they totally look like 20+ or even thirty.I hope the animation will be better than the drama.Still...its hard to say.Afterall i have only seen the first episode

posted by dracofalco at 9:36 PM



5 reasons to love October
1st.October comes from a greek word octo.
2nd.I love the channel octo
3rd.Winter sonata(anime)is gonna release in October.Adopted from the Korean hit drama
4th.INUYASHA!OVA is releasing its last movie in asia on October 10th! After its anime stoped for like seven years.
5th.Exams will be over in that week.

posted by dracofalco at 9:17 PM


Thursday, September 24, 2009'

Okay!new post!I just realised something.Okay here goes.When i got home from school(about 4pm)my old man(jiji) asked if i had eaten.i nodded but he added this one bit 'there's cake in the fridge'.At first i thought,hmm... that would be nice,so i settled my bag down on a bag-putting-small-cupboard and walked to the fridge.i opened and saw WALNUT CAKES!.I thought it was quite a good snack so i took a piece and ate it.i smelled the cake as it entered a my mouth (literally).From that moment,i knew i was addicted.And guess what?I ate the whole cake.


posted by dracofalco at 4:33 PM


Tuesday, September 22, 2009'

Okay.Finally i get a space to breathe.I finnally got a Cbox.Please bear as it is filled with last time messages.EOY is coming though and i am still slacking like what.Okeeeeiii.Now everythings black and red which is no bit nice to me.I hate to admit i am feeling a bit down-hearted already,I hopeneedto keep going on.I'll see if i can get some music on the blog to make it more livelier.Okay,i plan to open this blog to people on Friday,let me see...3 days more...


posted by dracofalco at 9:05 PM


Wednesday, September 16, 2009'

A secret
Squirrel was preparing for bed when she heard her neighbour, the rat climbing into his nest. She was wondering why he was missing for the whole day thus she peeked her head out of her head and asked ‘I haven’t seen you for the whole day dear rat, where have you been?’The rat looked flustered and leaned over to the Squirrel’s ear,’ I have spent the whole day collecting nuts to last me all winter! They are stored right at the bottom of this tree, so, when I get hungry, I can just pop in downstairs and get some nuts! But do keep this a secret or everyone would know’ said the Rat.
Hearing this, Squirrel scrambled back into her nest, feeling ashamed. She had not started her winter foraging yet. She then hurried over to her sleeping children and woke them up.’ you are to help me forage for winter food before you can go to play tomorrow. Our dear neighbour has already stored his nuts under the tree and we haven’t even started! Surely you don’t expect him to share his nuts!’The baby Squirrels listened blurrily and nodded off.
The next morning, as strictly the baby squirrels went foraging with their mother. After a day of hard work, Squirrel finally let them off to meet their friends at the big field. The Squirrels met their friends, the Birds, the Badgers, the moles and many more other small animals. When they reached there, they found them playing a game of catch. Immediately when they appeared, they were asked by fellow Badgers ‘we were worried for you all morning, where have you been?’The squirrels answered ‘Mum asked us to help her and Rat to store nuts under the hollow tree so that we could share them for winter! ‘This reason for the Squirrels being late was spreaded around in the mess in the game of catch.
At the end of the day, the baby animals all went home. There was an especially talkative baby parakeet who loves to talk about the day. This was a phrase of what he said to his parents when he talked about his day’…..oh! Yes, the squirrels came late today. They went foraging with their mother and found a large hollow tree abandoned that is full of nuts…’The parakeets were extremely chattery and thus, this myth of a great hollow tree stored with nuts quickly spreaded around like wildfire around the forest.
In the morning, Rat was waked up peacefully in the late morning. He had slept well for the night as he is relieved by the many nuts he had collected the previous day. He decided to pop in at his great hallow tree to make sure they were safe. But when he got down, he saw a great hallowed and emptied tree.

This was written by Jane aka Dracofalco for mrs missels eng composition.Not sure if she will accept this tale of a Rat and baby squirrels


posted by dracofalco at 11:13 PM



the host.

Name:Jane-san aka Dracofalco
Age: undefined
Birthday:21st october
Description:A tomboy who loves animals and plants
Rank:Biology leader of FLMT

Cant live without

  • Food and water

  • Bed

  • Music

  • Anime!

  • Internet


  • bring salvation



    Tell me if i spell wrong.

    those memories.

  • September 2009
  • October 2009
  • November 2009

    click the links to read the past;present;&&future[:

  • innocence

    Any suggestions what to put here?